Country Boy


Golden Days på landet (2023)

Foto: Sebastian Apel

I feel so wild in the wild 
Think the sensation was coded in me as a child 
Yeah that's just how I’m designed 
They planted trees in my soul and my mind 

Country boy 
Lost in the city 
Hooked on everything 

Country boy 
Lost in the city 
Might be wrong but I don’t think I’m where I belong 

Lost in the city 
It takes a long long time to get out of this kind 
Lost in the city 
It takes a long long time to get out of this kind 

I feel so free in the rain 
Open my mouth, drink as much of this world as I can 
I think I’m drowning again 
In all the concrete, the talk, the champagne 

Country boy 
Lost in the city 
Hooked on everything 

Country boy 
Lost in the city 
Might be wrong but I don’t think I’m where I belong 

Lost in the city 
It takes a long long time to get out of this kind 
Lost in the city 
It takes a long long time to get out of this kind 

I got a rose in my hand 
Cause it’s the pearl of the land 
Reminding me who I am 

Country boy 
Country boy 
Country boy 
Lost in the city 
Hooked on everything 

Country boy
Lost in the city 
Might be wrong but I don’t think I’m where I belong

Mads Damsgaard Kristiansen (f. 1984) er sangskriver og musiker og optræder under kunstnernavnet Goss. I 2020 udgav han det stærkt anmelder roste album ’Group Therapy’, der nyfortolkede countrytraditionen, og senest har han udgivet opfølgeren ’I Feel Like Planet Earth’. Du kan opleve Goss til Golden Days’ åbningsfest på Nikolaj Plads den 1. september, hvor han spiller koncert i Nikolaj Kunsthal.